Crosetam si tricotam pentru incepatori si nu numai.

Crosetam si tricotam hainute pentru copiii nostri.
Aici veti gasi diferite modele explicate atat in limba romana cat si in limba engleza.
Daca intampinati greutati nu ezitati sa ma contactati

miercuri, 31 decembrie 2014

Rochita- Sarafan pentru fetite de 1 an

Rochita-Sarafan Tricotata 1 an. knitime

100g skein of 85% superwash British Bluefaced Leicester wool/15% silk. (200m/218yds to 50g)
- 3mm needles
-1 small buttons.
 Cast on 85 sts
 Row 1:  S1, k10, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k23, kfb, k1, kfb, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k12
 Row 2:  S1, knit to end
 Row 3:  S1, yrn, k2tog (makes a buttonhole), k9, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k25, kfb, k1, kfb, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k13
 Row 4:  S1, knit to end
 Row 5:  S1, k12, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k27, kfb, k1, kfb, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k14
 Row 6:  S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
 Row 7: S1, k13, kfb, k1, kfb, k19, kfb, k1, kfb, k29, kfb, k1, kfb, k19, kfb, k1, kfb, k15
 Row 8: S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
 Row 9:  S1, k14, kfb, k1, kfb, k21, kfb, k1, kfb, k31, kfb, k1, kfb, k21, kfb, k1, kfb, k16
 Row 10:S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
 Row 11: S1, k15, kfb, k1, kfb, k23, kfb, k1, kfb, k33, kfb, k1, kfb, k23, kfb, k1, kfb, k17
 Row 12: S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
 Row 13: S1, k16, kfb, k1, kfb, k25, kfb, k1, kfb, k35, kfb, k1, kfb, k25, kfb, k1, kfb, k18
 Row 14: S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
 Row 15: S1, k17, kfb, k1, kfb, k27, kfb, k1, kfb, k37, kfb, k1, kfb, k27, kfb, k1, kfb, k19
 Row 16: S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
 Row 17: S1, yrn, k2tog (makes a buttonhole), k16, kfb, k1, kfb, k29, kfb, k1, kfb, k39, kfb, k1, kfb, k29, kfb, k1, kfb, k20
 Row 18: S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
 Row 19: S1, k19, kfb, k1, kfb, k31, kfb, k1, kfb, k41, kfb, k1, kfb, k31, kfb, k1, kfb, k21
 Row 20:  S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
 Row 21:  S1, k20, kfb, k1, kfb, k33, kfb, k1, kfb, k43, kfb, k1, kfb, k33, kfb, k1, kfb, k22
 Row 22:  S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
 Row 23:  S1, k21, kfb, k1, kfb, k35, kfb, k1, kfb, k45, kfb, k1, kfb, k35, kfb, k1, kfb, k23
 Row 24:  S1, k2, purl to last 3sts, k3
Row 25:   S1, knit to end                                                                 
Row 26:   S1, k2, p23, k38, p52, k38, p23, k3
Repeat last 2 rows once more
Row 29:   S1, knit to end      
Row 30:   S1, k2, p23, cast off 38sts knitwise, p51, cast off 38sts knitwise, p22, k3  
Row 31:    S1, knit across row           (26sts for back, + 3 sts, 52sts for front, + 3 sts,  26sts for back ; Total= 110sts)

Knit the rest of this dress in rounds.

Increase at every 5th row, 1 st at every 5th st.
When we get to desired length thus we end:"k2tog, yo", repeat between " to end.
Next 4 rows:k to end.
Cast off.

Sew on buttons

duminică, 16 noiembrie 2014

Sosete crosetate, Newborn Baby Sock Crochet Pattern

Baby Sock Crochet Pattern

tabel cu masuri – baby:
0-1 luni =9 cm
1-3luni =10 cm
3-6 luni = 11 cm
6-9 luni = 12 cm
9-18 luni = 13 cm
18-24 luni = 14 cm

Sosete crosetate baby

Materiale necesare:
-          Un fir cu 80 % lana si 20 % poliester; (la 50 gr – 140 m)
-          O croseta nr. 2, 5 mm;
-          4 marchere;
-          Puncte folosite:
a.       Piciorus mare redus;
 -     Piciorus alunecat;
c.       Diminuarea unui ochi.
d.      Piciorus mare evidentiat spre interior;
e.      Piciorus mare evidentiat spre exterior

Crosetam circular, alaturand primul piciorus si ultimul din rand printr-un piciorus alunecat.
Crosetam o baza din 36 ochiuri de lant pe care-i inchidem printr-un punct alunecat.
In continuare, in fiecare ochi de lant vom croseta 36 picioruse mari  (pm).
Randul urmator, crosetam 36 picioruse mari ,  alternand piciorusele  mari  evidentiate spre interior cu cele spre exterior, pentru a realiza un elastic.
Crosetam in acest mod 3 randuri.
Urmatoarele 5 randuri , crosetam 36 picioruse mari reduse.

Impartim cele 36 ochiuri in doua si vom avea 18 ochiuri pentru calcai si 18 ochiuri pentru partea din fata a sosetei.
Crosetam 6 randuri, 18  picioruse mari reduse, dupa care incepem sa scadem pentru formarea calcaiului.
Dupa cele 6 randuri, continuam sa crosetam 16  picioruse mari reduse, ne intoarcem si crosetam tot 16 picioruse mari reduse. Ne intoarcem iar , crosetam 15 picioruse mari reduse, dupa care , scadem un ochi luand urmatoarele 2 ochiuri impreuna (ultimul ochi si primul ochi din randul anterior, dintre  cele 2 ochiuri lasate ).
Ne intoarcem si crosetam in aceiasi maniera in partea opusa.
Ne intoarcem, crosetam  picioruse mari reduse in fiecare piciorus mare redus din randul anterior, dupa care , scadem un ochi luand urmatoarele 2 ochiuri impreuna (ultimul ochi si al doilea ochi din randul anterior, dintre  cele 2 ochiuri lasate ).
Ne intoarcem si crosetam in aceiasi maniera in partea opusa.
Dupa ce au fost scazute cele 2 ochiuri, introducem un marker, apoi,  continuam sa crosetam , ridicand 7 ochiuri pe partea laterala.
Introducem al doilea marker, crosetam 18 picioruse mari reduse (ce reprezinta partea din fata a sosetei), introducem marker, ridicam 7 ochiuri pe latura opusa, introducem marker si continuam cu 14 picioruse mari reduse,  partea calcaiului.
CALCAI- schita

1.       Crosetam 16 pmr (picioruse mari reduse), raman 2 oc nelucrate si ne intoarcem.
I_______________16pmr___________I  raman 2 oc, ne intoarcem;
2.       Crosetam 14pmr, raman 2 oc nelucrate si ne intoarcem.
I ________14 pmr_________________I raman 2 oc, ne intoarcem
3.       Crosetam 13 pmr, scadem un pmr luam impreuna al 14 lea pmr si primul pmr din randul anterior nelucrat, dintre cele 2 ochiuri lasate nelucrate, ne intoarcem.
I______________13 pmr___________I 1 oc scazut , luand 2 oc impreuna (al 14 lea oc si primul oc din randul anterior, dintre cele 2 oc lasate nelucrate), ne intoarcem;
4.       Crosetam 13 pmr, scadem un pmr luam impreuna al 14 lea pmr si primul pmr din randul anterior nelucrat, dintre cele 2 ochiuri lasate nelucrate, ne intoarcem.
I______________13 pmr___________I 1 oc scazut , luand 2 oc impreuna (al 14 lea oc si primul oc din randul anterior, dintre cele 2 oc lasate nelucrate), ne intoarcem;
5.       Crosetam 13 pmr, scadem un pmr,  luand impreuna al 14 lea pmr si al doilea pmr din randul anterior nelucrat, dintre cele 2 ochiuri lasate nelucrate, ne intoarcem.
I______________13 pmr___________I 1 oc scazut , luand 2 oc impreuna (al 14 lea oc si primul oc din randul anterior, dintre cele 2 oc lasate nelucrate), ne intoarcem;

6.       Crosetam 13 pmr, scadem un pmr,  luand impreuna al 14 lea pmr si al doilea pmr din randul anterior nelucrat, dintre cele 2 ochiuri lasate nelucrate, ne intoarcem.
I______________13 pmr___________I 1 oc scazut , luand 2 oc impreuna (al 14 lea oc si al doilea oc  din randul anterior, dintre cele 2 oc lasate nelucrate), ne intoarcem;
Continuam sa crosetam, fara sa ne mai intoarcem,  intre primele 2 markere. Cand ajungem la al doilea marker, scadem 1pmr, luand impreuna ultimele 2 pmr, dupa care, crosetam 18 pmr ce reprezinta partea din fata a sosetei.
Dupa al treile marker scadem 1 pmr, luand impreuna primele 2 pmr , continuam cu 5 pmr.......
Inca 3 randuri vom scadea la markerul 2 si 3 cate 1 pmr.(scadem pana vor ramane cele 36 oc cu care am inceput).
Continuam sa crosetam 36 pmr, 3 randuri, dupa care incepem sa scadem pentru varful sosetei, astfel:
R1:  14 pmr,  2pmr impreuna, 2 pmr impreuna, 14 pmr,  2pmr impreuna, 2 pmr impreuna .
R2:  12 pmr,  2pmr impreuna, 2 pmr impreuna, 12 pmr,  2pmr impreuna, 2 pmr impreuna .
R3:  10 pmr,  2pmr impreuna, 2 pmr impreuna, 10 pmr,  2pmr impreuna, 2 pmr impreuna .
R4: 10 pmr,  2pmr impreuna, 10 pmr,  2pmr impreuna.
R5: 9 pmr, 2pmr impreuna, 9 pmr,  2pmr impreuna.
R6:  8 pmr,  2pmr impreuna,  8 pmr,  2pmr impreuna.
R7:  7 pmr,  2pmr impreuna,  7 pmr,  2pmr impreuna.
R6:  6 pmr,  2pmr impreuna,  6 pmr,  2pmr impreuna.
R7:  5 pmr,  2pmr impreuna,  5 pmr,  2pmr impreuna.

Stitches & Terms Used:

Blo – Back Loop Only

Ch- Chain

Fsc – Foundation Single Crochet (ch 2, insert hook into 2nd ch from hook, pull up loop, yo, pull through one loop, [foundation chain made] yo, pull through two loops, [fsc made]).  To make the next fsc, insert hook into the foundation chain of the previous fsc, pull up a loop, yo, pull through one loop, yo, pull through two loops.

Rd – Round

Sc – Single Crochet

Sc 2 tog – Single Crochet 2 Together (Pull up a loop in the next stitch, pull up a loop in the following stitch, yo, pull through all 3 loops on hook)

Sl st – Slip Stitch

Sk – Skip

St – Stitch

Yarn: This pattern uses only a very small amount of yarn.  1 pair of socks will require 1 oz, or 100 yards of sport weight yarn.  Sample made with Heather Prime Alpaca by Galler Yarns (seriously my all time favorite yarn . . . EVER!)

Gauge: 7 stitches and 8 rows of sc is a 1 inch square.

Size: Newborn, about 3.5 inches long. (If you'd like your socks to be bigger, you can increase the hook size and/or use a heavier weight yarn).

Hook: D hook (3.25 mm)

Ch 6 making sure to leave a long beginning tail to weave up any potential gaps in the toe.

Starting with toe:
Rd 1: 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc in next 3 ch, 4 sc in last ch, turn work and continue down other side of ch, 1 sc in next 3 ch, 1 sc in first worked ch, sl st to first sc of round to join. (14) Right Side.

Rd 2: Ch 1, turn, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next 3 st, 2 sc in next 4 st, 1 sc in next 3 st, 2 sc in next 3 st, sl st to first sc of round to join. (22)
Make foot:
Rds 3-19: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each st around, sl st to first sc of round to join. (22)

Make heel opening:
Rd 20: Turn, 7 fsc, sk next 7 st, 1 sc in next 15 st, sl st to first fsc of round to join. (22)

Make leg:
Rd 21-25: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each st around, sl st to first sc of round to join. (22) Do not fasten.

Make Cuff:
Ch 13
Row 1: 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 11 st, sl st in next 2 st along top of leg. (12)
Row 2: Ch 1, turn, sk the 2 sl st you just made and, 1 sc in blo in each st back to top of cuff. (12)
Row 3: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in blo in each st to edge of leg, sl st in next 2 st along top of leg. (12)

Following Rows: Repeat rows 2 and 3 around edge of leg. With wrong side facing, sc edges of cuff together.
Make heel:

With right side facing, join yarn in first fsc of round 20.

Rd 1: Ch 1, work 16 sc evenly around heel opening. (16)
Rd 2: Ch 1, turn, sc 2 tog, 1 sc in next 6 st, sc 2 tog, 1 sc in next 6 st, sl st in first st of round to join. (14)
Rd 3: Ch 1, turn, sc 2 tog, 1 sc in next 5 st, sc 2 tog, 1 sc in next 5 st, sl st in first st of round to join. (12)

With sock inside out, sc heel opening closed.

Fasten off and weave in all your ends.

joi, 16 octombrie 2014

Knitted Hat

-          Yarn phildar Quietude (100 gr= 180 m)- 50% wool, 50% acrylic
-      5 double pointed Needles  US 3  (3, 25 mm) or size needed to obtain  gauge(also you can use circular  needles).
-      Stitch marker.
 12 sts / 19 rows = 5 cm/ 5 cm (2””/ 2”)       
-          3- 6-12 months (16” head circumference= approx 42 cm);
-          12 – 24 months (18” head circumference= approx 45 cm)
-          BO = bind off
-          ch(s) = chain(s)
-          CO = cast on
-          cont = continu(e)(s)(ing)

CO= 17  (23,25) ochiuri pe fiecare din cele 4 ace;
Total=92sts , 100 sts
Row 1-3: k to end;
Row 5: (k1, k2tog, k8 (9), yo,k1, yo, k8 (9), k2tog, k1) X 4; 92 sts (100 sts)
Row 6:k to end;
Repeat  Rows 5 and 6 ,  more  times (X18).
Next Row : (k1, k2tog, k17 (k19), k2tog, k1) X 4;
Next Row : k to end.
Next Row : (k1, k2tog, k15 (k17), k2tog, k1) X 4;
Next Row : k to end.
Next Row : (k1, k2tog, k13 (k15), k2tog, k1) X 4;
Next Row : k to end.
Next Row : (k1, k2tog, k11 (k13), k2tog, k1) X 4;
Next Row : k to end.
Next Row : (k1, k2tog, k9 (k11), k2tog, k1) X 4;
Next Row : k to end.
Next Row : (k1, k2tog, k7 (k9), k2tog, k1) X 4;
Next Row : k to end.
Next Row : (k1, k2tog, k5 (k7), k2tog, k1) X 4;
Next Row : k to end.
Next Row : (k1, k2tog, k3 (k5), k2tog, k1) X 4;
Next Row : k to end.
Next Row : (k1, k2tog, k1 (k3), k2tog, k1) X 4;
Next Row : k to end.
Next Row : (k1, k2tog x 2) X 4;
Next Row : k12tog.

Bind off

joi, 2 octombrie 2014

Set tricotat pentru copiii intre 0-3 luni = PRETUL 229 lei

Setul se compune dintr-o paturica  , 65/65 cm, 25,5/25,5 inch, pulover, caciula si botosei, tricotate cu un fir din lana 85%, foarte moale si de o calitate superioara.
Pretul se compune din costul materialului   (550 gr =99 lei; un scul de 100 gr= 18 lei) si manopera 100 lei. Total 229 lei.
Daca setul nu se afla in stoc, se va livra in 3 saptamani.
La comanda se pot executa si marimi mai mari.

joi, 26 iunie 2014

Yarn For Sale , Fire de tricotat /crosetat de vanzare

Fire de lana 100% degrade lung, vopsite manual.

  • 100% Extra Fine Merino Wool;
  • 272 Yards/250 Meters/ 100 g;
  • Needle size: 3.25 - 3.75 mm/ US 3 - 5;
  • Hand wash with water 30 grade.
  • Dry flat
  • Fingering weight

1.  Fir cu lana merinos 100%, moale,multicolor, degrade lung, se lucreaza cu ace de 3-3,5 mm. Pretul 40 lei este pt. un pachet de 190 g.

 2. Fir cu lana merinos 100%, moale, multicolor, degrade lung, se lucreaza cu ace de 3-4 mm. Pretul 52 lei este pt. un pachet de 256 g
3. Fir cu lana merinos 100%, moale,multicolor, degrade lung, se lucreaza cu ace de 3-4 mm. Pretul 40 lei este pentru. un pachet de 204 g.

4. Fir cu lana merinos 100%, moale,multicolor, degrade lung, se lucreaza cu ace de 3-4 mm. Pretul 60 lei este pentru un pachet de 302 g.

Cu acest fir putem tricota Salul Dreambird.

Cum cumpar?
1. Trebuie sa ma contactati prin mail
2. Alegeti produsul pe care vreti sa-l comandati si il precizati in mail.
Daca aveti observatii legate de comanda le veti face prin mail.
5. Comanda dvs va fi confirmata printr-un email.
Cum platesc?
Plata se poate face in avans, sau ramburs (la ridicarea pachetului de la Posta sau curier). Plata transportului cade in sarcina cumparatorului.
1. Livrarea produselor se face prin Posta Romana sau Fan Curier. Daca doriti ca pachetul dvs sa fie trimis cu alta firma de curierat, specificati acest lucrul in campul Comentarii inainte de a trimite comanda. Retineti ca tariful practicat de firma dvs poate fi diferit. 
2. Comanda dvs. va fi expediata in cel mai scurt timp, fiind prelucrata in ordinea primirii.  Veti primi un email cand coletul dvs va fi expediat.
3. Daca locuiti in afara tarii, comanda dvs poate fi expediata la adresa indicata iar plata o puteti face prin Paypal cu suportarea comisioanelor aferente.