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marți, 10 iunie 2014

Pulover tricotat pentru copii 0-2 ani (Baby knitting sweater)

SIZE available preemie, newborn, 1-3 months, 6-9 months, 12 months.........5 year
- yarn baby alpaca 150 gr.
- Needle size: US 2 - 2.75 mm, US 4 - 3.5 mm;
- Markers;
- 4 buttons

dec - decrease = a scadea
k1 - knit 1 st= 1 ochi pe fata. 
k2tog - knit 2 sts together=  scazatura spre stanga ( 2 ochiuri lucrate impreuna spre stanga)= introducem acul de la dreapta la stg prin 2 ochiuri, prin spatele ochiurilor , luam firul si-l scoatem prin cele 2 oc, rezultand unul singur.
ssk slip 2 stitches as if to knit, then knit those 2 stitches together = scazatura spre stanga . Pentru americani care au ochiurile orientate diferit – trebuie sa ia ochiurile pe andreaua dreapta ca si cum le-ar lucra, apoi sa le mute inapoi asa intoarse pe andreaua stanga, si sa le lucreze impreuna. Rezulta o scazatura orientata spre stanga. Pentru noi - lucram simplu doua ochiuri impreuna, fara sa le intoarcem. Rezulta aceeasi scazatura spre stanga.
patt - pattern (model) 
p1 - purl 1 st= 1 ochi pe dos 
R/ rnd - round= rand 
rep - repeat; *...* - rep sts between* *= repeta ochiurile intre **
st(s) - stitch(es)= ochi
yo - yarn over= jeteu

baby sweater  = 6 months. CO  53 sts (ochiuri) (6 ochiuri margine + 1p,* 3k,1p*x10 frunze +6 ochiuri margine  (1 frunza: 3k,1p)
In functie de circumferinta gatului , se pot adauga ochiuri pentru o frunza, doua.....
Se tricoteaza de la gat in jos.
Dupa terminarea modelului cu frunze, vom mai tricota 18 randuri.

Apoi.....vom separa manecile de fata si spate.
Cand unim fata si spatele (raman separate manecile ), Intre fata stanga si spate adaugam 3 ochiuri, la fel intre fata dreapta si spate.

In garter st, with larger size needles, 16 sts and 28 rows (10 cm/10 cm)

Yoke = platca   

Sweater is worked in one piece from neck down.
Pulovarul este lucrat intr-o singura piesa de la gat in jos.
Pe ace mici de 2,5-3 mm montam 49 ochiuri, pentru marimea 1-3 luni,   53 ochiuri pentru marimea 6-9 luni, 57 ochiuri pentru marimea  9-12 luni .
For size 1-3 months, CO= 49 sts, 6-9 months, CO=53 sts, 9-12 months, CO=57 sts.

Fata stanga va avea 6 ochiuri de margine +24 ochiuri = 30 ochiuri + fata dreapta = 30 ochiuri
Spatele- 43  ochiuri
Maneca stanga = 30 ochiuri + maneca dreapta , 30 ochiuri
Cand unim fata si spatele (raman separate manecile ), Intre fata stanga si spate adaugam 3 ochiuri, la fel intre fata dreapta si spate.
TOTAL ochiuri =(Fata stg =30 oc + 3 ochiuri adaugate + spatele= 43 ochiuri +3 ochiuri adaugate + fata dreapta – 30 ochiuri) = 109 ochiuri
Randul urmator: lucram in gartner stitch.
Randul urmator: repetam cresterile de ochiuri ca in randul precedent.
Marimea 1-3 luni (49 ochiuri), 6-9 luni (53 ochiuri), 9-12 luni (57 ochiuri)
CO 53 ochiuri (40 och frunzele si 6 och stg si 6 och dr, marginile pt butoniere) (53,57 ochiuri);
Randul 1-5 : gartner st
R6:6k,+1k, *3p,1kx10, 6k (53 ochiuri);
R7::6k,(marginea)- 1p, frunza  *1k, 1yo, 1k,1yo,1k, intre frunze 1p* , repetam intre * de 9 ori, 6K; ( 67 ochiuri);
Randul 8 :  6 k, modelul :1k, (5 p, 1k)  x9, + (marginea, 6 k);
R9: 6k, 1p, *2k, 1yo, 1k,1yo,2k, intre frunze 1p* x 9, 6k;(76 ochiuri);
R10: 6k, 1k, * 7p, 1k* x9, 6k;
R11:6k,  1p, frunza:, *3k, 1yo, 1k,1yo,3k, intre frunze 1p* x 9, 6k; (103 ochiuri);
R12:6k, 1k,*9p,1k*x9, 6k;
R13: 6k, 1p, *4k, 1yo, 1k,1yo,4k, intre frunze 1p* x 9, 6k; (121 ochiuri);
R14:6k, 1k, *11p, 1k*x9, 6k;
R15: 6k,1p, *5k, 1yo, 1k,1yo,5k, 1p* x 9, 6k; (139 ochiuri)
R16: 6k, 1k, *13p, 1k*x9, 6k;
R17: 6k, 1p, *1yo, k2tog, 9k, ssk,1yo, 1p* x9, 6k; (139 ochiuri);
R18:6k, 2k, *11p, 3k*x9, 6k;
R19: 6k, 2p, *1yo, k2tog, 7k, ssk,1yo, 3p* x9, 6p;
R20: 6k, 3k, *9p, 5k*x9, 6k;
R21: 6k, 3p, *1yo, k2tog, 5k, ssk,1yo, 5p* x9, 6k;
R22: 6k, 4k, *7p,7k*x9, 6k;
R23: 6k, 4p, *1yo, k2tog, 3k, ssk,1yo, 7p* x9, 6k;
R24:6k, 5k, *5p, 9k*xp, 6k;
R25: 6k, 5p, *1yo, k2tog, 1k, ssk,1yo, 9p* x9, 6k;
R26:6k, 6k* 3p, 11k* x9,3p, 5k, 5k;
R27: 6k, 6p,*1yo, sl1 k2tog psso,1yo, 11p* x9, 6k;
R29:6k, 7k, *1p, 13k* x 9, 6k;  (139 ochiuri)
R30: purl   (pentru a da largime puloverului la partea de jos, inmultim 22 ochiuri)

Left sleeve
Rows1-27: Using larger size sgtraight needles, knit across.
Change to smaller size straight needles.
Row28:K4, (k2tog, k3) across = 28 sts;
Rows29-37: knit across;
Bind off all sts loosely in knit.
Dividing row:
Remove point protectors and k52 (back) , place point protector on right hand point of circular needle, with empty larger size straight needle, k34 (right sleeve), place point protector on remaining point of circular needle.
Right sleeve

Complete same as Left sleeve.

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